Showing 1 - 25 of 25 Results
Power Filmmaking Kit by Jason Tomaric ISBN: 9780240810218 List Price: $39.95
Filmmakers Bundle by Jason Tomaric ISBN: 9780240521435
FilmSkills Editing Kit : The Complete System for the Process and Art of Editing a Movie by Tomaric, Jason ISBN: 9781942092056 List Price: $299.00
FilmSkills Production Safety: Industry-Standard Techniques for Creating a Safer Set (FIlmSki... by Tomaric, Jason, Jason J Tom... ISBN: 9781514627952 List Price: $29.99
FilmSkills Cinematography: Master the art and craft of light and the lens (Behind the Screen... by Tomaric, Jason, Jason J Tom... ISBN: 9781514874639 List Price: $29.99
FilmSkills: Producing: Master the Business of Making and Selling Movies (Behind the Screen) ... by Tomaric, Jason, Jason J Tom... ISBN: 9781516966738 List Price: $29.99
FilmSkills Editing: Master the Art and Process of Film Editing (Behind the Screen) (Volume 6) by Tomaric, Jason, Jason J Tom... ISBN: 9781517073589 List Price: $24.99
FilmSkills Director's Craft: Master the art of directing actors and the camera (Behind the S... by Tomaric, Jason, Jason J Tom... ISBN: 9781515006206 List Price: $24.99
FilmSkills: Screenwriting: Write a Movie Script - From Concept to Completion (Behind the Scr... by Tomaric, Jason, Jason J Tom... ISBN: 9781515222941 List Price: $24.99
FilmSkilsl Hollywood Survival Kit : Hollywood Professionals Share Their Career-Long Insights... by Tomaric, Jason, Tomaric, Jason ISBN: 9781942092148 List Price: $199.00
Cinematography : Master the Art of Lighting and the Lens by Tomaric, Jason ISBN: 9781942092162